The RealTermHandleClass allows to create a RealTerm server to perform asynchronous comunication via serial with an external device and MATLAB, this allows a faster performance when working with big data loads and is ideal when working in real-time applications. This repository includes: RealTermHandle...
rtObject = rt(端口、属性/值对) 以与serial()相同的方式创建Realterm activeX控件。 属性/值对可以是 serial() 格式。 fopen(rtObject) 连接 fclose(rtObject) 关闭并清理 删除(rtObject) 删除对象 输出= fread(rtObject) 输出 = fread(rtObject, 字节) 输出 = fread(rtObject点...
Switch the Connection Type to Serial. Edit the Serial Line to match the COM port you want to use. Edit the Speed to match the BAUD Rate you want to use. Select the Serial category from the menu on the left. Make sure all of the settings are correct (the settings in the screenshot ...
输入你想要的内容,然后以数字或ascii的形式发送。 这里描述了如何做到这一点:Serial Terminal Basics在发送值序列一节中。 收藏分享票数0 EN 页面原文内容由Stack Overflow提供。腾讯云小微IT领域专用引擎提供翻译支持 原文链接:复制 相关文章 关于javascript错误捕获 javascrip...