Firmware RTL9201-A Version: No Firmware RTL9210-B Version: GDFW_9210A Version:...
为了把电脑里边拆解下来的nvme 固态利用起来,年前在某宝耗费35元淘了一个固态硬盘盒,华顾品牌 ,电路板上清晰可见Realtek9210主控芯片,因为被别人拿去刚插在电脑上又拔掉,导致出现故障,报错显示“函数错误”…
Firmwares of Realtek RTL9210 and RTL9210B github.com/lzcapp/RTL9210_RTL9210B_Firmware/archive/refs/heads/main.zip Topics firmware firmware-updater firmware-tools realtek firmware-image firmware-update rtl9210b rtl9210 Resources Readme Activity Stars 5 stars Watchers 1 watching Forks 1 fo...
SCSI Translator Reported Information: Vendor ID: Realtek Model Number: RTL9210B-CG Serial Number: 0000000000000000 Firmware Revision: 1.00 World Wide Name: 3001237923792379 Drive Capacity (TB/TiB): 2.00/1.82 Read Look-Ahead: Enabled Write Cache: Enabled SMART Status: Unknown or Not Supported ATA Se...
Realtek RTL9210 & RTL9220 NVMe/USB 3.1 & USB 3.2 Controllers firmwares Version Firmware RTL9210-A Version Firmware RTL9210-B Version Utilities: Version Procédure de mise a niveau Forum: Station-Drivers - NVME USB drives Realtek RTL9210B / ...
Realtek RTL9210 NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version 1.23.9 Release note Sata NVMe: Version v1.23.9.100520 2020.10.0501.Add customized command.02.Fix SATA USB powercut resume issue.03.Fix SATA reset issue if disk is lost.04.Update Kinsea KS10 LED behavior.05.Fix Fulllink macbook d...
Re:NVME USB drives Realtek RTL9210B / RTL9210A Firmware only for B v1.29.12 2 年 2 个月 � Seehank Galixte post=6142 userid=5274On this page:plugable.com/products/usbc-nvmeI found a firmware revision forRTL9210w...
Re:Realtek Audio Control 6 个月 11 �时 �-6 个月 11 �时 � oemuser 写�:: Yes, the version was indeed there...yesterday (16th) cause i downloaded it also. ...
Realtek RTL9210(B) NVMe/USB 3.1 Controller firmware Version Downloads: 17943 Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST-VMD) Version WHQL Downloads: 15875 Realtek High Definition Audio (HDA) R2.8x (8642) WHQL Downloads: 15731 Realtek High Definition Audio (HDA) Version...