一、准备工作在进行手眼标定之前,需要准备以下工具和软件: Realsense D435相机 机械臂及末端执行器 标定板(如棋盘格标定板) Python环境(建议使用Anaconda) OpenCV库 Matlab环境及Robotics Toolbox二、标定过程 Python标定:使用OpenCV库,首先对Realsense D435相机进行标定,以获取相机的内参、畸变系数和外参。然后,将标定板...
sudo apt install ros-melodic-cv-bridge ros-melodic-image-transport ros-melodic-tf ros-melodic-diagnostic-updater ros-melodic-ddynamic-reconfigure 按照官网Method 2: The RealSense™ distribution:源码编译,采用Step 2: Install Intel® RealSense™ ROS from Sources,Step1在“一、安装Intel Realsense SDK...
ROS下使用D435识别AR码 前言 在ROS Kinetic下使用Inter realsense D435,结合ar_track_alvar功能包,实现AR码的识别与定位。 说明 借鉴胡春旭老师的launch文件进行改写。 1. 主要修改红框部分。需要注意到,cam_image_topic需要是sensor_msgs::PointCloud2类型,从众多topic类型里面找到即可。 2. 尝试了几下,发现参数...
合成点云的点数量为 9394656 / 32 原因:我事先给定合成点云的大小为,height = 480,width = 640. 然而在合成点云的过程中,剔除了部分违法值(d=0),由此导致合成点云的点数量与指定的点数量不匹配,合成点云的数据因此被丢弃。 解决方法:采用如下方法给定点云大小, cloud->height = 1; cloud->width = clou...
Realsense-python——实现颜色识别和物体测距 文章目录 本文采用的相机是Intel Realsense D435i。 方法综述:首先通过OpenCV将物体通过阈值分割的方式提取出来后,画出物体矩形轮廓,测距时为避免外围物体和其他部分有交叠导致距离不准确的问题,只提取出物体中心的1/2区域进行50个随机采样点测距,并用中值滤波的方式稳定预测...
Hello, good morning, I bought an intel real sense D435 camera and an aaeon UPboard card, I am using python to program, I already installed all the libraries, my question is: can you measure distance with the camera and depending on a distance limit turn on a led or something ...
cmake .. -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=true sudo make uninstall && make clean && make && sudo make install 终端中输入realsense-viewer测试即可 2、源码安装ROS Wrapper for Intel RealSense 发烫的椰子:Intel RealSense D435i:安装与使用(ROS、Python)0 赞同 · 0 评论文章 ...
I have a python script that display distance and coordinates of the cursor position. When I launch the script with a D455 cam it works ok, the distance are fine but with a D435i the distances are wrong (10cm error). In the Realsense Viewer, the distance of the object is ok with bo...
I'm currently working with a d435 and I want to display IR images (both left and right but for the moments just focus on one), following my code:import pyrealsense2 as rs import numpy as np import cv2 # We want the points object to be persistent so we can displa...
The links mentioned by @MartyG-RealSense were helpful but I'm still unable to estimate any volumes using my realsense D435. The box-dimensioner-multicam Python example isn't really useful because it requires a chessboard. I tried computing volumes using pyntcloud, the PCL Python binding and ...