Unofficial LineageOS 17.1 XDA Recognized Developerkarthick mostwantedis currently maintaining the unofficial build of LineageOS 17.1 for the Realme X2 Pro. The ROM has SELinux in permissive mode and VoLTE activation requires flashing a separate zip, but otherwise, it's quite stable to be a daily ...
If you are searching for the Android 11 ROM for Realme X2 Pro, then there are other options too. I have added official support telegram channels and forum links in this post you can check them out there. Personally, the CrDroid is one of my favorite custom ROM. I have used it on so...
After installing TWRP recovery on the device, you can easily install magisk on Realme X2 for root access. Also, you can install custom ROM and custom kernel for better performance. Here we provide TWRP v3.3.1 for Realme X2 Pro. So let’s go to the steps below to Root Realme X2 Pro...
Realme X2 Pro(RMX1931)RealmeUI1.0 RMX1931_11.C.34 原版固件-官方卡刷包 安卓版本: 10 作者: Realme 包大小:3110MB 发布日期: 2021/10/25 下载量: 637 评论数:0 8/10分 立即下载 远程刷机解锁 Realme X2 Pro 印度版(RMX1931EX)RMX1931EX_11.C.36 原版固件-官方卡刷包 安卓版本: 10 作者:...
Realme X2 Pro 丹麦版(RMX1931EX)RMX1931EX_11.C.32原版固件-官方卡刷包 安卓版本: 10 作者: Realme 包大小:3030MB 发布日期: 2021/11/12 下载量: 391 评论数:0 8/10分 立即下载 远程刷机解锁 Realme X2 Pro 德国版(RMX1931EX)RMX1931EX_11.C.32原版固件-官方卡刷包 安卓版本: 10 作者: ...
Realme X2 Pro 原厂售后线刷包 解锁救砖无内置固件
Realme X2 Pro Custom Developments: LineageOS 17.1, Official TWRP, AOSiP, and more TWRP Looking to try out an AOSP based ROM on your Realme X2 Pro? Here are some Android 10-based custom ROMs that you can download right away. BySkanda Hazarika ...
二、「RAM 」和「ROM 」统称为手机内存 举例:常见手机配置中 8G+128G 的 8G 就是RAM(运存),128G 就是 ROM(闪存)。 小结建议:RAM (运存)比 ROM (闪存)更加重要,越大越好,2000 元左右机型最低 6+128 起售,建议最低选择 8+128 版本,如果换机频率较低(使用周期较长)建议选择 8+256 版本。
本吧热帖: 1-手上手机实在太卡,5G换不起(主要是实在没必要),觉得X2P 2-x2 pro:这续航什么水平? 3-x2 pro更新到realme ui后都没人发现bug吗?! 4-哇!发现个bug: x2 pro更realme UI后,灭屏 5-我就想知道。某宝Realmex2pro旗舰店,那么多追加差评,是真的吗 6-x2Pro新机