Power off will power the device off. If neither of the methods works for resetting, please visit a realme service center near you for assistance. How to share themes on Theme Store with others If you want to share the themes, fonts, or wallpapers, you can refer to the following steps:...
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DeliverServer,com.oppo.instant.local.service,/product/app/InstantService/InstantService.apk,貌似是个给快应用开一些洞的服务,比如获取本地应用列表,有联网权限。会在127.0.0.1开服务器,通过发送oppo.intent.action.domainIntercept调用com.daemon.shelper。停用后没看到有啥影响。 ---其他不在卸载列表中的应用,不用...
I’ve visited the service center, followed all troubleshooting steps, and yet Realme Link just refuses to work with my headphones. For a brand that markets itself on innovation, this level of compatibility issue is shocking. Realme, please take note: if you’re going to promote your app as...
Two days ago I went to Realme Service Center, I asked about WiFi issue. The employee said tried WiFi first. So, I tried Realme Service Center WiFi. The result was, very fast, download apps from Play Store could up to 2,5 Mbps. So, I think maybe Realme GT Master Edition WiFi little...
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They just reset my phone and install the newest system update which I've already got long time before I went to the service center. Of course the problems are still there after the 'repair'. Then they ask me to wait for software update and claim that it's because of the non ...
Did any one fine a way to uninstall com.heytap.themestore, com.heytap.market or com.nearme.gamecenter D ding95 New member Jul 19, 2020 1 0 Jul 19, 2020 #73 AfterI type 'adb devices', why won't the serial number appear? It just says 'list of devices attached' but no serial...
use a protective case to shield the camera glass from being scratched or broken by accident. The camera is also placed along the center of the back panel and while that does not make the phone any less wobbly, it does make it oscillate along the center if that is something you care ...