SQLite是在世界上使用的最多的数据库引擎,并且还是开源的。它实现了无配置,无服务要求的事务数据库引擎。SQLite可以在Mac OS-X, iOS, Android, Linux, 和 Windows上使用. 由于它是使用ANSI-C开发的,因此它提供了一个简单的,方便使用的编程接口。SQLite也是一个小的,轻量级的,可以被存储在跨平台磁盘文件的完善的...
Realm vs. SQLite Save ComparisonAdd Product Realm 9 Reviews and Ratings SQLite 45 Reviews and RatingsOverview Pricing RealmSQLite Editions & Modules No answers on this topic No answers on this topic Offerings Pricing Offerings RealmSQLite Free Trial No No Free/Freemium Version No No Premium ...
Since the inception of the platform, Android developers have had pretty much only one option for a database: SQLite. Although feature-rich and powerful, it wasn’t quite what Android app developers needed. Realm, a modern, efficient database solution for
Unlike SQLite (we’ve mentioned it earlier, remember?), Realm isn’t based on ORM (Object-Relational Mapping). It works on its own engine, the main differences of which are simplicity and speed. Our team has learned these (and others) benefits from our own experience. What is the Realm ...
于2014 年7月发布,是一个跨平台的移动数据库引擎,专门为移动应用的数据持久化而生。其目的是要取代 Core Data 和 SQLite。 2、关于Realm,你要知道下面几点: (1)使用简单,大部分常用的功能(比如插入、查询等)都可以用一行简单的代码轻松完成,学习成本低。