Cloak of the Planewalker Crystal Sword Robe of the Mad Scientist Tome of PurificationBattle PassIt is time for the next Battle Pass! Season 5 is upon us so check out all the rewards you can gather down below. The BP starts on the 14th of March and ends on the 23th of May at 10 UT...
[ WASD ] 移动 [ 鼠标 ] 点击是射击,拾取装备 [ 回车 ] 使用特殊技能 游戏攻略: 游戏贴吧: 下面这个是什么图?大家猜: 原文链接:
[ WASD ] 移动 [ 鼠标 ] 点击是射击,拾取装备 [ 回车 ] 使用特殊技能 游戏攻略: 游戏贴吧: 下面这个是什么图?大家猜: 原文链接:
The retro 8-bit look of Realm of the Mad God is great - it's not only stylish and fun, but practical too. When things get busy, and they will, you can clearly see what's a bullet and what's not. It's a free-to-play game, but the premium parts don't break the game for f...
Click here to view official sweepstakes rules and for alternate methods of entry. Need an entry card? Go! Find your nearest GameStop store. No code? No problem. You can still get accesss to the exclusive new content in Realm of the Mad God Play Today!About...
用代理,在游戏中注册即可, 如果不想花钱的话,请百度:GOAGENT,然后设置代理即可
国内登陆这个游戏的方..在hosts 里加入74.125.205.147 realmofthemadgod.appspot.com登陆网址realmofthemadgod.appspot.com占2楼更新用万里长城升级,谷歌你好,谷歌再见--改h o s t s 法 失效
《狂神国度》Realm Of The Mad God游戏简介 《狂神国度》Realm Of The Mad God IOS版是一款市面上少数以Flash为基础所制作的点阵图型射击多人线上角色扮演游戏。这款网页游戏现在终于登陆ios平台了。喜欢的玩家快下载来玩玩吧。玩法简单又可以在上面打发掉非常多的时间。多人线上游戏少不了各种有趣的职业。目前每...
This can be anything from drawing something nice to baking cookies. The only and most important rule is, it has to be Realm of the Mad God related. We arenotgoing to judge or include cosplay in this competition. Prizes Rank 1: Skin of choice* – 8000g – 3x Apple of Extreme Maxening...