Specify the name as a string of 15 or fewer characters that is a valid NetBIOS computer name. --no-password Perform the join automatically without a password. --one-time-password=xxxx Perform the join using a one time password specified on the command line. This is not possible with all...
[...] Spectrum Utilization Fees by Auction) Regulation (Cap. 106 sub. leg. AC) (the principal Regulation) to specify that the fixed fee (being part of the SUF) payable for the use of Part 2A frequency bands and the SUF payable for the use of Part 5 frequency bands shall be determine...
realm: Couldn't join realm: Joining the domain example.com failed net ads join command fails to join AD domain with option 'createcomputer=': Raw # net ads join example.com -U Administrator createcomputer="Linux" Failed to join domain: failed to precreate account in ou ou=Linux,dc=EXAMPL...