这个游戏主要是上手比较难,全英文+复杂的派系、成就、遗物、探索、雇佣兵和探索build,这些都可以在realm-grinder.wikia.com上自己查到,加上一些自己的理解和喜好就可以玩的比较开心了。我这里主要说说,几个重要的节点吧:· Unique Building:R16 is required for Vanilla;R22 for Neutral;R28 for Prestige;R46 for ...
unique building(特有建筑)(缩写为UB或种族名+UB+UB序号,如妖精UB2)template(模板)(不过一般用build代替这个词,缩写bd)按照Spellcraft Research(注意:在交流时,没有法术工艺研究这样的说法,有时你可以也解释为妖精研究,不过会跟妖精特有研究弄混.以下五个研究分支同理),Craftsmanship Research.Divine Research.Economics...
Realm Grinder is a point and click strategy game that has been created especially for Smartphone. Players are charged with establishing their own kingdom from scratch and making smart decisions in order to help the kingdom grow and ultimately become one of the most powerful settlements in the la...
目前R29, 矮人和卓尔都可以买独特建筑了,但是就是不开Research 有试过先不买其他独特建筑,只买矮人的独特建筑,但时Research就是不解锁,我看wiki上是说R29就解锁的呀。。 顺便问下有个研究需要2700个挖掘,并且看Research Build上是R27就差不多可以解锁了,但是我R29了,蓝宝石上e112了,还是不够2700挖掘的钱。。
关于research.unique building(特有建筑)(缩写为UB或种族名+UB+UB序号,如妖精UB2)template(模板)(不过一般用build代替这个词,缩写bd)按照Spellcraft Research(注意:在交流时,没有法术工艺研究这样的说法,有时你可以也解释为妖精研究,不过会跟妖精特有研究弄混.以下五个研究分支同理),Craftsmanship Research.Divine Rese...
iPad iPhone 简介 Grow your kingdom, build alliances, and explore one of the deepest idle RPG's ever! Use your money and influence to grow your kingdom from a single farm to a huge realm that earns wealth even while you're not online! In Realm Grinder, the player is given an incredibl...
Realm Grinder: In Realm Grinder, you're the ruler of a kingdom, and you can choose to align yourself with the forces of good, or the forces of evil. As you click, you accumulate gold and faction coins. Your accumulation of faction coins...
Note: The build's production is focused around Non-Unique Buildings; because of DJ8 (based on UTC) - the main production tier is either Evil Fortress (even calendar days) or Hell Portals (odd calendar days - do not buy Infernal Realm upgrade in that case). 这一段是什么意思, 在奇数天不...
目前R29, 矮人和卓尔都可以买独特建筑了,但是就是不开Research 有试过先不买其他独特建筑,只买矮人的独特建筑,但时Research就是不解锁,我看wiki上是说R29就解锁的呀。。 顺便问下有个研究需要2700个挖掘,并且看Research Build上是R27就差不多可以解锁了,但是我R29了,蓝宝石上e112了,还是不够2700挖掘的钱。。
目前R29, 矮人和卓尔都可以买独特建筑了,但是就是不开Research 有试过先不买其他独特建筑,只买矮人的独特建筑,但时Research就是不解锁,我看wiki上是说R29就解锁的呀。。 顺便问下有个研究需要2700个挖掘,并且看Research Build上是R27就差不多可以解锁了,但是我R29了,蓝宝石上e112了,还是不够2700挖掘的钱。。