✅ iOS Minecraft Bedrock Realm Subscriptions, family accounts:How do I turn off the ability for my child’s account to create a Realm subscription? My child has never tried to make one but every month when I try to...
Let's Play Minecraft Together in a Realm! (Bedrock Edition) Completed by 5 learners Ages 3-18 Live 1-on-1 Lessons In this ongoing 1:1 class, your child gets to play in a realm with me while exploring together, building, and having fun. They also have an opportunity to learn new tip...
【Bedrock R..我们是什么? 我们是一个在MCBBS和贴吧活跃的MinecraftPE内容产出小组,目前正在致力研究PE插件的开发,包括但不限于addon,JS,nukkit等,同样我们也欢迎美工类的成员加入,比如材
Ever since yesterday when I left and saved in the end city I have been stuck on the building terrain part of the world loading screen. This is on a realm that I have endless hours on and I have researched for hours to find no fix.Issue...
Setting Sleeping Percentage in Minecraft Bedrock Realm is not functioning well. Details Type:Bug Resolution:Duplicate Fix Version/s:None Affects Version/s:1.20.60 Labels: None Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed As an owner of realm world, it is a hassle for me to reset again the /gamerule players...
MCPE-188831Nether Brick Slabs revert to stone sound when being stacked and broken MCPE-188830Constant Server disconnect and unable to connect to world codes on REALMS MCPE-188829Minecraft crashes on Main Menu and on Pause Menu MCPE-188828Shulker Boxes Disappear but reappear on hot bar MC-278698Vil...