✅ iOS Minecraft Bedrock Realm Subscriptions, family accounts:How do I turn off the ability for my child’s account to create a Realm subscription? My child has never tried to make one but every month when I try to...
Ever since yesterday when I left and saved in the end city I have been stuck on the building terrain part of the world loading screen. This is on a realm that I have endless hours on and I have researched for hours to find no fix.Issue...
Let's Play Minecraft Together in a Realm! (Bedrock Edition) Completed by 5 learners Ages 3-18 Live 1-on-1 Lessons In this ongoing 1:1 class, your child gets to play in a realm with me while exploring together, building, and having fun. They also have an opportunity to learn new tip...
Setting Sleeping Percentage in Minecraft Bedrock Realm is not functioning well. Details Type:Bug Resolution:Duplicate Fix Version/s:None Affects Version/s:1.20.60 Labels: None Confirmation Status: Unconfirmed As an owner of realm world, it is a hassle for me to reset again the /gamerule players...
【Bedrock R..我们是什么? 我们是一个在MCBBS和贴吧活跃的MinecraftPE内容产出小组,目前正在致力研究PE插件的开发,包括但不限于addon,JS,nukkit等,同样我们也欢迎美工类的成员加入,比如材