Is it a restricted home, a narrow life, static and cold and grey with logic, without artistic interest, devoid of emotion and mood and sentiment? That world, it is true, is not a world of solar light, not clad in the colours that liven and glorify the things of sense, but it is a...
You will need a large template image. Then not just select a preset, but adjust the settings in the Image trace panel. Please read the documentation. But still the results still might be worse than the previous live paint. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report ...
Vantablack coating absorbs 99.965 percent of light, making it ideal for applications in space travel and optics. Surrey NanoSystems Vantablack and BMW Numerous car companies approached Surrey NanoSystems about coating a car in Vantablack VBX2 paint finish, but it wasn't until BMW came calling ...
Interior Mineral Paint – KEIM Optil® | KEIM The Strange House that Niemeyer Designed for Himself Elevator of Museo Gustavo de Maeztu / Dirección general de cultura, Gobierno de Navarra Wooden Boards: Differences Between MDF, MDP, Plywood, and OSB House of Lorraine / dm...
这个就不搬运了,大家点链接看吧: 日文原版: 中文翻译版by@cleanfast : 分享171 威利旺卡吧 LordMichel willy的所有台词,中英对照费劲呀~我容易吗我~ 一楼献给百度...
The moon gave off tiny beams of light. The sky was a dark, ink-black colour millions of stars. I stood outside in the cool fall air for what seemed a long time of heaven and . The joy that I had not for ages came upon me. I closed my eyes to decide if this dream could be ...
third, let’s assume it’s raining. yes, people do ride bikes in the rain. particularly when they use them for transportation. if it’s raining, and the cyclist has to move in and out of the “guide markings,” the wide white stripes – painted with highly reflective paint – will be...
Either way, these are actually better for summer, since it’s thinner fabric and the light grey helps reflect the sun. So far, the stitching on these has remained tight and I haven’t seen any fraying from these, nor pilling. 4/5 Grey breeches in action Stain Resistance: That being ...
Instead of responding to the unexpected situation with introspection, and learning from it, the West has instead embarked on a mission to paint China as a dark murderous dystopia. “I think that the bad press is going to hurt the West more than it hurts China because it is blinding the We...
Use the Smart Filter mask to apply the blurring just where it is needed in the banding. It is easiest to select the mask, invert it to black, and then paint white where you need the blur. Lastly, add some noise to restore the appearance of grain lost due to blurring. If you are us...