Hard Riddles Toughest Riddles Math Riddles Easy Riddles Perhaps you want challenging riddles that you can answer quickly, or you can choose from some of the hardest riddles out there to really challenge yourself! If you’re looking for some tricky riddles for adults and kids, read on for a ...
Then head over and check out,teacher and student jokes,riddles about school,history jokes, andscience jokes. Jokes About Math Why was the math book sad? – Because it had too many problems. What’s the king of the pencil case? –The ruler. Why are circles so hot? – Because they are...
Gabbard, a math teacher at Jackson County High School in McKee, Kentucky, uses the slips as a class opener to focus the students on the topic of study, to provide direction for the period, and to review important skills needed for the lesson. His "openers" set the tone and offer backgr...
Given the recent blog-o-drama about carbs in the human diet (for instance,hereandhere), this seems like a fine time to blog about a sweet subject dear to my heart: fruit! More specifically, I want to take a closer look at some common beliefs about wild fruit, and how it differs fro...
Money riddles 32.) What comes with a tail and a head but it’s not an animal?A coin. 33.) How is the moon like a dollar?They both have four quarters. 34.) If money started growing on trees, what season would become everyone’s favorite?Fall. 35.) What is brown and has a head...