Banish pimples, grease, blackheads AND frustration once and for all. Grab your cheatsheet below (plus weekly tips!) Send me the cheatsheet No spam. Just skincare tips that work. How To Reduce Large Pores You can’t shrink large pores, but you can shrink enlarged pores. Here are the best...
I am glad I am not that flaky and gross after all, lol 😉 this was really great to learn, so thank you! 🙂 Reply Pingback: Asian Beauty Favourites - Lab Muffin Pingback: My First Experience With Q-Depot, the Mecca of Online K-beauty Shopping | Misc. Bliss Dame 24 June 2015...
I put this to the test on a gross, mold-stained corner of my own tub — I've scrubbed and scrubbed that area previously, and simply couldn't get the stains out until I used this stuff. As you can see above, I put on gloves (which is recommended on the packaging) and simply appli...
It's now part of my routine before I shave — and if you think a razor can give you slick skin...paired with THIS, oh boy, you haven't seen (or felt) anything yet. Is it gross to see a week's worth of skin trickle off your body and into the tub with you? Yes. But is ...