realloc invalid pointer错误 char* temp=(char*) realloc(src,sizeof(char)*100); 如上面这行代码,可能会出现标题中的错误。错误原因是因为src指向的不是NULL或堆中的地址。 具体的就是realloc函数要求src为下面两种情况 1.src==NULL 2.src指针必须是malloc(), calloc(), 或realloc()分配的 造成错误的代码 ...
realloc invalid pointer 错误解析及解决方法 realloc invalid pointer错误 char* temp=(char*) realloc(src,sizeof(char)*100); 如上面这行代码,可能会出现标题中的错误。错误原因是因为src指向的不是NULL或堆中的地址。 具体的就是realloc函数要求src为下面两种情况 1.src==NULL 2.src指针必须是malloc(), call...
realloc invalid pointer错误解析 简介:realloc invalid pointer错误 char* temp=(char*) realloc(src,sizeof(char)*100); 如上面这行代码,可能会出现标题中的错误。错误原因是因为src指向的不是NULL或堆中的地址。 realloc invalid pointer错误 char* temp=(char*) realloc(src,sizeof(char)*100); 如上面这行...
2.查看ptr是不是在堆中,如果不是的话会跑出异常错误,会发生realloc invalid pointer(具体原因在后面讲)。如果ptr在堆中,则查看new_size大小,如果new_size大小为0,则相当于free(ptr),讲ptr指针释放,返回NULL,如果new_size小于原大小,则ptr中的数据可能会丢失,只有new_size大小的数据会保存(这里很重要),如果size...
Error : realloc(): invalid pointer I want to realloc achar**inside astruct MotInfo**, it is a struct created by me. But I have an error when I try myrealloc: intx; MotInfo** hashtable =malloc(TAILLE*sizeof(structMotInfo*));for(x=0; x<TAILLE;x++)...
The program gave me a NULL on PC and when I switched to the phone the compilor said my realloc has a invalid pointer. But I really don't know what I did wrong.Here is the code:void insertString(char *str1, char *str2, int n){ int lengStr2=strlen(str2); printf("%d %d ",...
QtCreator下运行opencv出现realloc():pointer invalid,解决办法是将qmake换成4.8的,qmake5.2的支持opencv支持的不是很好
假设我为一个数组分配了空间 double *array; array=malloc(100*sizeof(double)); 我做了一些过程,最后我不再需要前10个元素了,我在realloc中尝试了这一点 array=realloc(array+10, 90*sizeof(double)); 但是我得到了一个无效的指针错误: *** glibc detected *** ./temp: realloc(): invalid pointer:....
The current memory block pointer. [in] size The size of the requested memory allocation. [in] alignment The alignment value, which must be an integer power of 2. Return Value _aligned_reallocreturns a void pointer to the reallocated (and possibly moved) memory block. The return value is NU...
The current memory block pointer. [in] size The size of the requested memory allocation. [in] alignment The alignment value, which must be an integer power of 2. Return Value _aligned_reallocreturns a void pointer to the reallocated (and possibly moved) memory block. The return value is NU...