将“realized exchange gain/loss"翻译成中文 已实现的外汇损益是将“realized exchange gain/loss"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:Realized gains/(losses) on temporary investments include realized exchange gains/(losses) from cash. ↔ 临时投资已实现收益/(亏损)包括现金已实现汇兑收益/(亏损)。
In this document, I have tried to present an example to understand Realized Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss and related postings in SAP in simple terms. Please note that Forex Revaluation which is a Month End Process is a slightly different concept than presented here. The concept below works when ...
Note: Net foreign exchangegain/(loss)included exchangegainofHK$50 million (2008: exchange loss of HK$220 million) arising from forward exchange contracts. wheelockcompany.com wheelockcompany.com 附註:匯兌收益/(虧損)淨額包括由外匯期貨合約產生之匯兌收益港幣五千萬元(二○○八年:匯兌虧損港幣二億二千萬...
Note: Net foreign exchangegain/(loss)included exchangegainofHK$50 million (2008: exchange loss of HK$220 million) arising from forward exchange contracts. wheelockcompany.com wheelockcompany.com 附註:匯兌收益/(虧損)淨額包括由外匯期貨合約產生之匯兌收益港幣五千萬元(二○○八年:匯兌虧損港幣二億二千萬...
同学你好,-200万是unrealized loss,因为这200万公司没有真的花钱出去造成实际损失 300万是realized gain,因为到7月10日,公司是真的会因为这笔外币交易,多收到300万人民币的现金的 但是transaction这里其实CFA是不会去细节区分realized还是unrealized的,所有的G/L都是统一计入foreign exchange G/L 里面的,而不会因为...
Select a line where the Posting field is set to Realized gain or Realized loss. Set up the main account, and select the ledger account to post the realized exchange difference to. In the Sales taxes field, select Expense to post part of the realized exchange difference amount that is relate...
Select a line where the Posting field is set to Realized gain or Realized loss. Set up the main account, and select the ledger account to post the realized exchange difference to. In the Sales taxes field, select Expense to post part of the realized exchange difference amount that is relate...
requires no payment of taxes at that time.The reason could be because the taxpayer took advantage of a 1031 exchange, because the gain was from the sale of a home and was less than the current exclusions, or because the property was taken by eminent domain and the proceeds reinvested ...
Solved: dear all could you kindly me difference between the realized & un-realized exchange loss/gain account. regards eashwar
Interest earned on deposits and gains realized on foreign exchange transactions brought the net income to $1.139 million for the year. unesdoc.unesco.org 该年度储蓄所得利息和货币兑换收益纯收入 113.9 万美元。 unesdoc.unesco.orgThe domestic and global economic climates also have the potential to ...