其中在「阅读」(ReadingTest)和「写作」(SATEssay)这两个Sections中,一个很重要的考查点就是「批判性思维」。正所谓知己知彼,百战不殆,不知道考试的考查点,就不可能有的放矢地科学备考。那么大家是否知道什么是「批判性思维」,又是否... 分享回复赞 王菲吧 不留🌀 【幻乐一场】穿50公斤仙女服的王菲,就让...
While-reading P3P3 2. What do other critics worry about the bad influence of TV movies? 1. Why does Feng Xiaogang criticize the TV movies for lacking art and effort? Because they are made in a very short time, have no script or storyline and use nonprofessional actors. Answer the follo...