资源|攻略|【11.14链接已补】代入感mod安利:realistic life and pregnancy真实对话(有汉化) 来自: 安特库琪赛特 2022-11-03 17:56:12 已编辑 辽宁 【✨】1.93及以下可用,更高版本请自行测试 真实对话,根据关系的不同新增了8大板块的不同对话和情绪buff,包括 “生儿育女” “早安”“晚安” “传宗接代”...
Most mathematical models for the spread of disease use differential equations based on uniform mixing assumptions1 or ad hoc models for the contact process2,3,4. Here we explore the use of dynamic bipartite graphs to model the physical contact patterns t