There are at least three angle changes in both the top line and the bottom line. Indicating these, and keeping them in mind throughout my drawing, will help me represent this particular eye, and add a sense of realism to my drawing. The more specific we can get, the more realistic our...
My name is Darlene and in this tutorial I’m going to teach you how to draw a realistic eye using easy step by step instructions. This is my first tutorial, so I hope you enjoy it! UPDATE: For a while now, you guys have requested a tutorial on drawing a pair of eyes. Here it ...
the two are inextricably linked, and I will mention some of the eye-drawing steps when they pertain to the eyebrow.View my step by step tutorial specifically on drawing realistic eyes here.
For this step, it’s very important that we connect the intersection between our two circles with the right side of our cat’s head (our left) with a curvy line. we’ll have to do the same for the other side of the neck, drawing a short but curve line to connect the middle of o...
Eyes are one of the most commonly drawn subjects for an artist. Getting them right means everything, and you don't need to draw an entire face just to practice it. This step-by-step tutorial will give you an example of how one artist approaches it, noting that there are many approaches...
If you're drawing a larger head, the eyes will be larger. 3. Add Depth with Shading: Getting Realistic Here's where things get fun! Shading gives your eyes dimension and makes them look real. Here's a step-by-step approach: The Iris: This is the colored part of ...
Step by Step Drawing Tutorials Blog :: FIGURE DRAWING Kids Babies Human Figures & Their Proportions Arms & Hands Backs & Shoulders Body and Face in Perspective Clothing Chests / Upper Body / Torso Drapery & Folds Legs & Feet Necks Figures in Action & Motion ...
This Dirk Dzimirsky pencil drawing is startlingly realistic German artist Dirk Dzimirsky draws and paints the most stunning up-close-and-personal portraits. A master of his craft, the artist captures every bit of fine detail perfectly, from the moisture in his subject's eyes to lines and fi...
Step 1Time to create a new layer and name it... "Eyelashes", of course!Set your foreground color to #1a0906 and your Brush Tool (B) to a hard, round shape with both Size Jitter and Opacity Jitter set to Pen Pressure mode.On the Eyelashes layer start drawing random lashes. Some ...
No matter which part of the world you are from, your eyes can speak volumes. As an artist, drawing of eyes is a very liberating experience. Have you been practising a lot on the eyes drawing? Well, you can take it to the next level, by drawing eyes in a realistic way. Drawing of...