research in rendering of subsurface scattering effects, and a detailed understanding of the physical composition of skin, has made it possible to generate incredibly realistic real-time images of human skin and faces.Figure 14-1shows one example. In this chapter, we present advanced ...
of Photo-R e alisti and Vision-R e alisti R endering 5 lenses b et w een the image plane and the ap erture stop, w e ompute the thi k lens appro ximation and pro je t the ap erture stop through the appro ximation [2℄. The exit pupil is hara terized b y the minim...
von Uexküll [16], von Foerster [17], Kampis [18], Koenderink [19] and many others have argued for it explicitly. Rössler’s concept of endophysics [20] is based on it. The critical question in any theoretical framework that rejects the detached observer is that of how the “...