which Coulson defines as 'ambivalent realism'. The book draws on a diverse range of sources from fiction, autobiography, theatre reviews, travel writing, private journals, and correspondence. Coulson argues, compellingly, that the personal lives and literary works of these four writers manifest a ...
Get PDF (259K) Even though sign-systems are a crucial part of society, critical realism, as developed by Roy Bhaskar, does not yet have an adequate theory of signs and semiosis. The few suggestions that Bhaskar offers can be advanced through the semiotics of C.S. Peirce. In doing so,...
We will try to confirm the position of Pinter as a realist and how his plays are a true epitome of the present day life.Key Words: Realism , Theatre of the Absurd, avant-garde, psychological implications, absurd.(c)KY PUBLICATIONS
in London, few seem willing to nuance these tensions in order to examine their influence on how Irish identity is articulated in McDon- agh's plays.4If theatre scholars and critics are to accept how and why McDonagh is "help[ing to] define theatre in the next generation" (Kroll 73), ...