hospital security staff” and it’s not clear what, if any, restrictions there are on how the information is used. Meanwhile the government “adds hundreds of thousands of names to the list every year.” The entire
从2023年5月开始,在美国境内搭乘飞机,乘客需要这样一本真实身份证。 想要升级REAL ID的加州人,可以在线(Online)填写申请并上传所需文件,然后前往DMV办公室完成申请手续并拍摄新照片,网站。 更新REAL ID的加州人有资格在线申请。但是,在更新驾照期间要改变地址或个人状况的加州人,需要亲自去当地DMV...
I don’t get this part: “REAL ID has significantly improved customer satisfaction” I can’t see how one is connected to the other. My “customer satisfaction” with the DMV depends entirely on how much hassle it is to deal with them — how would this stupid change improve that?jml ...