RTP(Real-time Transport Protocol,实时传输协议)是一个网络传输协议,它是由IETF的多媒体传输工作小组1996年在RFC 1889中公布的,后在RFC3550中进行更新。 RTP协议详细说明了在互联网上传递音频和视频的标准数据包格式。它一开始被设计为一个多播协议,但后来被用在很多单播应用中。RTP协议常用于流媒体系统(配合RTSP协议...
实时传输协议(Real-time Transport Protocol,简称RTP)是一种用于在互联网上传输音频和视频流的协议。它定义了一种标准化的方式来将音频、视频等实时数据打包并在网络上进行传输。 RTP协议通常与RTCP(实时传输控制协议)一起使用,用于控制媒体流的传输过程。RTCP负责监测网络状态、统计数据信息以及提供反馈控制等功能。 RTP...
rtp协议虽然是传输层协议但是它没有作为osi体系结构中单 独的一层来实现。rtp协议通常根据一个具体的应用来提供服务,rtp只提供协议框架,开发者可以根据应用的具体要求对协议进行充分的扩展。 2.2 RTP协议的报文结构 RTP头格式如图2所示: 开始12个八进制出现在每个RTP包中,而CSRC标识列表仅出现在混合器插入时。各段含...
The RFC "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications" [RFC3550] specifies an initial set of "control packet types" for RTCP. This list maintains and extends that list. Available Formats CSV Range Registration Procedures Note 1-191 Specification Required or Expert Review 194-199 Spe...
Hi, we have a project where paging system controller connected to Cisco IE3300 industrial switch and the other pagine device connected to anothere IE3300 switch 10KM away. the paging system is using Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). when we do
The Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a protocol for the continuous transmission of audiovisual data (streams) via IP-based networks. The protocol was first standardized in RFC 1889 in 1996. In 2003 it was replaced by RFC 3550. It is used to transport multimedia data streams (e.g. ...
实时传输协议(RTP)中的扩展字段是可选的,用于向RTP数据包添加额外信息。扩展字段可以包含多个不同类型的元素,每个元素都由一个16位ID和一个16位长度组成。 扩展字段格式如下: ID:16位标识符,用于标识该扩展字段的类型。 Length:16位长度值,表示该扩展字段所占用的字节数。
Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a network standard designed for transmitting audio or video data that is optimized for consistent delivery of live data. It is used in internet telephony, Voice over IP and video telecommunication. It can be used for one-on-one calls (unicast) or in on...
REAL-TIME TRANSPORT PROTOCOL (RTP) MEDIA CONFERENCE SERVER ROUTING ENGINEThe RTP Media Conference Server Routing Engine ("MCSRE") integrates into a standards based RTP Media Server to improve server data throughput of RTP conference routing by factors of tens to hundreds while simultaneously ...