Real-time system,Design approach ,Time Petri Net,Object-oriented,UML,UML-RT1.引言实时系统在工业,商业和军事等领域都有非常广泛的用途,并且已经有很多实际的应用.实时系统可以分为"硬实时系统"和"软实时系统".二者的区别在于:前者如果在不满足响应时限,响应不及时或反应过早的情况下都会导致灾难性的后果;而后...
The Unified Modeling Language UML is well-suited for the design of real-time systems. In particular the design of dynamic system behaviors is supported by interaction diagrams and statecharts. Real-time aspects of behaviors can be described by time constraints. The semantics of the UML, however,...
Abstract. In the two parts of this article a transformational approach to the design of distributed real-time systems is presented. The starting point are global requirements formulated in a subset of Duration Calculus calledimplementablesand the target are programs in an OCCAM dialect PL. In the ...
The range of coverage is broad, including requirements engineering, specification and verification techniques, design methods and tools, programming languages, operating systems, scheduling algorithms, architecture, hardware and interfacing, dependability and safety, distributed and other novel architectures, wir...
The IEEEReal-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) is the premier conference in the field ofreal-time systems and is a venue for researchers and practitioners to showcaseinnovations covering all aspects of real-time systems, including theory,design, analysis, implementation, evaluation, and experience. RTSS...
This paper intends to serve as a reference guild in the design of a low-power real-time system. 我们的论文将是提供给设计低耗能即时系统研究的参考标准。 9. It is true that in most cases the response times required are fast, but speed is not what defines a real-ti...
Design and realization of electrical and electronic cloud experimental system based on B/S architecture Based on intelligent instrument control technology, network server technology and embedded technology, a B/S-based cloud experiment system is designed and ... XIAO Jian,DENG Xueqiang,XUE Mei,......
基于dspace的实时控制系统设计 real-time control system design based on dspace.pdf,基于dSPAGE的实时控制系统设计 基于dSPACE的实时控制系统设计水 Real-timeControl BasedondSPACE SystemDesign 冯恺侃 刘品宽 张波 (上海交通大学机器人研究所,上海200240) 数。实验
SystemJ is a programming language based on the Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous (GALS) Model of Computation (MoC) used to design safety critical hard real-time systems. SystemJ uses the Java programming language as the “host” language, for carrying out data computations, because Java pr...
RT-Thread is mainly written in C language, easy to understand and easy to port(can be quickly port to a wide range of mainstream MCUs and module chips). It applies object-oriented programming methods to real-time system design, making the code elegant, structured, modular, and very tailorabl...