Real-timedetectionofeachoutriggerforces,when theoutriggerforcelessthantwohours,automaticalarmandlimitBoomaction. 实时检测每个支腿的受力情况,当受力支腿少于两个时,自动报警并限制臂架动作。 3. The real-timedetectionalgorithmofmovingdim smalltargetsinimagesequencesisoneof thekeyalgorithmsinpre...
Efficient Real-Time Human Detection Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Optical Imagery-总结分析 摘要: 1.无人机有许多应用场景,如人类探测 2.不利因素:变化的高度,光照变化,视角变化,移动平台,高性能低成本 提出1.扩展卷积于路径聚合网络PAN组合,实时人体检测网络 2.建立一个具有不同背景、光照和对比度的综合人体检...
Real-Time Detection Transformer (RT-DETR), developed by Baidu, is a cutting-edge end-to-end object detector that provides real-time performance while maintaining highaccuracy. It is based on the idea of DETR (the NMS-free framework), meanwhile introducing conv-based backbone and an efficient ...
Road manhole covers are crucial components of urban infrastructure; however, inadequate maintenance or poor marking can pose safety risks to vehicular traffic. This paper presents a method for detecting road manhole covers using a stereo depth camera and
YOLO全称You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection,是在CVPR2016提出的一种目标检测算法,核心思想是将目标检测转化为回归问题求解,并基于一个单独的end-to-end网络,完成从原始图像的输入到物体位置和类别的输出。YOLO与Faster RCNN有以下区别: ...
Many alerts with the Detection source value MDO have the View messages in Explorer action available at the top of the alert details flyout.The alert details flyout opens when you click anywhere on the alert other than the check box next to the first column. For example:...
实时人脸检测 (Real-Time Face Detection) 源地址: 最近需要用到人脸检测,于是找了篇引用广泛的论文实现了一下:Robust Real-Time Face Detection。实现的过程主要有三个步骤:人脸数据准备,算法实现,算法调试。
Particleboard surface defect detection technology is of great significance to the automation of particleboard detection, but the current detection technology has disadvantages such as low accuracy and poor real-time performance. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved lightweight detection method of You...
Particleboard surface defect detection technology is of great significance to the automation of particleboard detection, but the current detection technology has disadvantages such as low accuracy and poor real-time performance. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved lightweight detection method of You...
YOLO提出了一种新的Object Detection方法,它将Object Detection作为一个空间分离的Bounding Box和对应Class Probability的Regression问题来处理。YOLO使用单个神经网络直接从整幅图像预测Bounding Box和Class Probability,也正因为整个检测过程是单个神经网络组成的,所以YOLO可以直接端到端的优化物体检测表现。