anti-republican values. Using the “Real Housewives” franchise as an example, I argue that trash television shows undermine the possibility of collective action and government for the common good, by encouraging selfishness, glorifying wealth and status,...
re-envisioningtheleast restrictive environment. In my mind it is outside the box, out in the world, or at least in one that mimics the flexibility to move into and out of various settings and cooperative (mixed grade level, even) learning groups within the school. teachers being the respect...
The economy is something that grows through the “dissipation” of energy. Examples of dissipation of energy include the digestion of food to give energy to humans, the burning of fossil fuels, and the use of electricity to power a light bulb. A rise in world energy consumpt...
You have the West, which is ruled by an international cabal of oligarchs — heavily Jewish — and then you have Russia and China, which are nation-states that are not interested in being run by an international oligarchy. They will use the Jews if it’s to their advantage (e.g., dea...
Trump faces a real uphill battle against public opinion, the oligarchy arrayed against him and the media shaping everyone’s thoughts. But, in the end, what matters is truth and not our feelings. They chose civil war and now they get to find out just what that looks like. Honestly, ...
The fantasy world of manufactured consent created by corporate media leviathans, now including Big Tech, with their relentless propaganda, cancelations, and censorship efforts. On top of this we have governments and academia, which the majority of people still trust to dispense truth. Truth about gl...
The Jewish denial of the incarnation of the divine results in a focus on crass materialism where things of the world divorced from spiritual hopes of the world to come prevails. And when St John wrote,“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?” he aptly identified ...
The Israeli Right of Return statute allows any Jew anywhere in the world to immigrate to Israel and receive instant automatic citizenship. Alex Jones’ ‘w-i-f-e’ and children are therefore de facto dual citizens of the state of Israel. ...
All real power has been conceded to a globalist oligarchy that operates behind the curtain of corrupt government officials and public health experts. This begs the question of whether the hoopla surrounding the Coronavirus emerged as a spontaneous and appropriate reaction to a lethal and fast-...
To think, none have come back to tell them the error of their ways and that where they are going will be insanely uncomfortable to match their insanity in this world. My dear Dad, at 85, had the skin of a 20 year old; he radiated LOVE, life, as he had loved and cared for his ...