A force to be reckoned with You can’t trip without falling into an example of centripetal force—because tripping is literally an example of centripetal force. As a part of centrifugation, it offers a litany of benefits to our society, too. If you’d like to learn more about what an in...
There is only centripetal (inward) force and the inertia that makes objects in rotation under certain situations move outward, for example, a car making a turn, the movement of a roller coaster—even the spinning of a centrifuge. Concept ...
So gray technology is not without value and not without promise. It offers a hope of escape from poverty for the tropical countries around the Caribbean Sea and the Indian Ocean. It is possible to imagine it achieving a major shift of United States energy consumption from fossil fuels to sola...
example, given that conservatives regard the family unit as the most important social institution, it makes perfect sense that they would choose the detached single-family homes that appear to emphasize this belief. Similarly, if you believe that the world is inherently dangerous, you would find ...
The character is controlled by the vector of force τ∈ RN where each dimension refers to the force on the corresponding DoF. In the real world, the character is actuated only by the torques at the non-root joints, while no force is applied to t...
The project was never meant to be a true or accurate simulation of a real car, although it incorporates many of the physics required - such as aerodynamics, drag force, acceleration, braking, traction, etc. Such things as centripetal force, weight transfer, and an accurate model of rotational...
We transfer the trained policy to a real-world setup, comparing its performance to simulation and traditional control strategies. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The following Section 2 introduces related work in the fields of simulation environments, robotic assembly control strat...
In this work, our definition of influence is based on the following intuition: if a user is both followed and interacted with by many users, then we consider this user to be influential. Previous studies have shown that the data generated in the modern world is enormous and growing ...
So began the difficult, defining struggle of Donald Trump Jr.'s life—to make himself useful while carrying a name so beloved by the man who bestowed it that he put it in gold letters on buildings all over the world. When he was growing up, his dad called him Donny—a moniker the el...