Domain Adaptation for Real-world Domain Changes(综述) 域自适应(Domain Adaptation):迁移学习的一种方法,指利用信息丰富的源域样本来提升目标域模型的性能。 源域(source domain):与测试样本不同的领域,但是有丰富的监督信息; 目标域(target domain):测试样本所在的领域,无标签或者只有少量标签。 常用的域自适应...
This module is part of a larger project to improve an existing real world application. The purpose of this paper is to enlighten our approach to some problems or holes we encountered with the original TLM-system described by Koskenniemi. The requirements of the system are amongst others: ffl ...
Complexity of adaptation in real-world case-based reasoning systems - Smyth - 1993 () Citation Context ...tructural evaluation scores ⊲ Case with best matching becomes prohibitively large for the computation of structural evaluation scores for each retrieval phase, a base filtering approach for ...
今天要小结的论文,是CVPR2022的一篇有关超分与领域自适应的文章,该论文的题目为《Dual Adversarial Adaptation for Cross-Device Real-World Image Super-Resolution》,作者是来自中山大学和腾讯的学者。原文地址。 该文章提出了一个新颖的超分任务:跨设备超分,即将在某一个相机捕获的成对...
The proposed datasets target promoting the following aspects of foundation model adaptation approaches: Generalizability:The proposed dataset has the capacity to examine the generalizability of the evaluated method from multiple perspectives. First, the benchmarked approach should achieve superior performance on...
We also evaluate the proposed DADA to address the adaptation to the video camera, which presents a promising research topic to promote the wide applications of real-world super-resolution. Our source code is publicly available at this https URL . 展开 ...
For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, RWD are used to generate or aid the generation of real-world evidence (RWE) on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination [3,4,5], to model localized COVID-19 control strategies [6], to characterize COVID-19 and flu using data from smart...
The advent of LLMs sets new patterns in precision health: “universal structuring” scales real-world evidence generation; “universal labeling” scales evaluation and model adaptation; “universal translation” lessens burden in interoperability; “universal reasoning” provides interpretable rationale, facil... Backgro...
The physicochemical properties of molecular crystals, such as solubility, stability, compactability, melting behaviour and bioavailability, depend on their crystal form1. In silico crystal form selection has recently come much closer to realization becau