On the OpenGL front, NVIDIA has introduced bindless graphics to help avoid L2 cache misses. I will be interested to see how APIs evolve, as the elements in the current APIs that are bottlenecks are not so much CPU or GPU limitations as due to the API constructs themselves. Thing for the...
How I can activate "real view graphics" in my "Solidworks 2015 X 64 Bit,SP2" ? My operating system is Windows 7 X 64 Bit ,SP1 and my graphics card is AMD Radeon HD 7500M/7600M Series . I have already tried "RealHack 3.9.1" but it is not working. :( 65 answers 52566 ...
Autodesk Maya, Autodesk Revit, Blender, CalculiX, Dassault Systémes Solidworks, Handbrake, Lammps, Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, Namd, the SPECviewperf 13 energy viewset, and the SPECworkstation 3 WPCcfd workload.
“Sage” CAD-integrated software provides a comprehensive view of a design’s environmental impact. Its analysis, for example, accounts for where the product will be manufactured and used. This determines environmental factors such as: where and how raw material is mined; transportation imp...
Environments Version Python 3.6.5 CUDA 10.0 Tensorflow 2.0.0 Keras 2.3.1 The CUDA library is a parallel computing library that allows software to use certain types of graphics processing units (GPUs) for general purpose processing. It is applied in the project to get acceleration in machine ...