Real-time-translation-typing 是一款开源的实时打字翻译工具,就是说可以让你一边打字,一边同时帮你翻译出文字的英文版。 目前软件已在Github开源,支持搜狗、百度和有道三个大厂的翻译API,支持Win10系统。 这里我先给大家展示下软件作者录制的动图效果,看它到底有多牛X(实时)! 软件无需安装: 下载解压后即可使用,目...
Real Time Translator is a tool that can perform text translation in real time to the language specified by the user. You can communicate smoothly by using this product even if you cannot speak the language of other party. Assume that you decide to use a web conferencing tool such as Microso...
引言 大家知道,那些翻译软件,用起来都差不多,就是先得输入文字,或者截个图,然后再翻译。这样虽然不是特别麻烦,但总是觉得有点不爽啊,难道就不能像手机端微信聊天框里那样,“边写边译”吗?答案是肯定的!今天我就来给大家介绍一款在GitHub上开源免费的实时翻译软件,让你体验飞一般的感觉! 软件介绍 这个软件叫“...
实时打字翻译软件 v1.1字典翻译 软件等级: 软件大小:5.93MB 支持语言:简体中文 授权方式:免费版 软件分类:教育教学/字典翻译 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-09-02 14:22:01 运行环境:WinXP, Win7 厂商: 关键字:实时翻译工具 本地下载 大小:(5.93MB) 软件截图 查看安装过程...
Real-time-translation-typing 功能 实时打字翻译 实时语音转文字并翻译 LOL 语音转文字输入 快捷键 ALT Y: 打开 ALT ENTER:发音 ENTER: 输出翻译文本 CTRL ENTER: 输出原始文本 ESC: 退出 TAB: 切换另一个翻译API CTRL F7: 网页版调试 网页版额外快捷键 ...
Real time translation typing是一款开源的实时打字翻译软件,可以实现在打字的过程中对文字进行实时翻译,省去复制粘贴再去翻译的麻烦,支持直接输出翻译文本。 软件使用AHK编写,需要配置翻译接口,动手能力强有翻译需求的同学可以尝试一下。 通过配置文件来配置/config/setting.json ...
Real-time translation software developed based on the live caption function of Windows. 基于windows的live caption功能开发的实时翻译软件 - AlgoOy/livecaption_translator
If your eLearning product has a way to be connected to the speech service and audio input/output, then you could take a look at our real-time translation sample, and add that to your app?
When you enable language translation, messages between the customer and representative—and messages among representatives who consult and collaborate internally, such as supervisors or SMEs—are translated. The real-time translation feature is enabled as a plug-in that exposes APIs to bring in third-...
Download thesample web resource(webResourceV2.js) file that you can use to implement the logic for enabling real-time translation of the conversation messages, which are exchanged between the customer and the representative. Learn more atWeb resources in model-driven apps. ...