Real-time neural-network midcourse guidance[J] . Eun-Jung Song,Min-Jea Tahk.Control Engineering Practice . 2001 (10)Eun-Jung Song, Min-Jea Tahk. Real-time neural-network midcourse guidance [ J ]. Control Engineering Practice, 2001, (9) :1145-1154....
The adoption of intelligent systems with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) embedded in hardware for real-time applications currently faces a growing demand in fields such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine (M2M). However, the applicat
比如在一次打车的行为过程中,在PreView事件之后,可能会有Request, Finish_Order, Cancel_Order等,这些事件就属于一个h-session,描述了用户一次完整的打车行为。 构建完异构图后,文中提出了一种新的图学习算法REGNN(Real-time Event Graph Neural Network)来生成事件的embedding。 对于每个需要预测的实时事件,动态创建...
LPCNet: Realtime Neural Vocoder简要介绍背景和动机网络分解数据准备和训练LPC 计算特征特征使用特征提取DualFC 输出层采样过程量化和预加重噪声注入矩阵稀疏化Embedding 以及计算简化性能评估计算复杂度合成语音…
paper:ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time code:caffe Abstract ENet是16年初的一篇工作了,能够达到实时的语义分割,包括在嵌入式设备NVIDIA TX1,同时还能够保证网络的效果。整体结构是Encode-Decode的形式,但是其Encode部分和Decode部分是有链接的,类似于UNet,将Encode中的某一层执行deconv,然后和...
visually pleasant. In contrast to the prior video style transfer method which relies on time-consuming optimization on the fly, our method runs in real time while generating competitive visual results.
深度学习论文: ENet: A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation及其PyTorch实现 1 概述 ENet是16年初的一篇工作了,能够达到实时的语义分割,包括在嵌入式设备NVIDIA TX1,同时还能够保证网络的效果。 2 Network architecture 2-1 ENet initial block...
This paper presents a real-time IP position controller realized by a neural network for permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) servo system. In the paper, the proposed neural networks configuration is simple and reasonable and its weight has definite physical meaning and rapidly adjustable...
@inproceedings{huang2022real, title={Real-time neural network inference on extremely weak devices: agile offloading with explainable AI}, author={Huang, Kai and Gao, Wei}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing And Networking}, pages={200--213}, ye...
Dynamic Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Real-time Event Prediction (KDD 2020) 这篇论文是滴滴打车发布的一个动态异质图神经网络的事件预测。属于是比较新的研究方向,大家都去研究如何预测traffic去了,而对事件缺少了一种研究。 题外话:看了这个事件之后,原来你点开一个页面只是preview也会被记录,甚至还可以...