Video observationFlux densitiesIMO Video Meteor NetworkDuring the 2011 outburst of the Draconid meteor shower, members of the Video Meteor Network of the International Meteor Organization provided, for the first time, fully automated flux density measurements in the optical domain. The data set ...
With the development of real-time services, real-time Precise Orbit Determination (POD) is indispensable and mainly includes two methods: the ultra-rapid orbit prediction and the real-time filtering orbit determination. The real-time filtering method has a great potential to obtain more stable and...
Today, Earth observation missions, altimetry, oceanography, imaging, etc. and satellite constellations navigation often ask for a real time on board orbit restitution with a 1 m accuracy, or even better. Including an extended force model (40×40 Earth gravitational fields, moon and sun ...
Whilst UAV offers a potentially cheaper and more localized observation platform than current satellite or land-based approaches,it requires an advance path planner to reveal its true potential,particularly in real-time missions.Manual control by human will have limited line-of-sights and prone to err...
Figure 6 provides an overview of all the real-time trials for a given participant. For users 5, 8, and 12, one of the gesture classes was excluded from the results. The criterion for detecting those outliers is based on qualitative observation of the algorithm’s behavior, where a clear...
In addition, there was no significant difference between the mean score of basic life support skill in real-time feedback and debriefing by video recording. Conclusions Both real-time feedback and debriefing by video recording were effective on basic life support skill. Keywords Real-time ...
The real-time monitoring was used to provide precise and rational dosing regimen. In Fig. 5, the aim was to perform a treatment by maintaining blood LMWH level at the range of 0.3-0.7 IU/mL. After the observation cycle of the 1st dose, the time dependent anti-factor Xa level profile wa...
130 fps. This does give a very real time veiwing experience. Your image quality would depend on your scope and more importantly your seeing conditions. On nights of steady seeing I have had some very pleasant live views of Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon while collecting frames to process later...
In this study, the novel approach of real-time video stabilization system using a high-frame-rate (HFR) jitter sensing device is demonstrated to realize the computationally efficient technique of digital video stabilization for high-resolution image sequences. This system consists of a high-speed ca...
I have never made astrophotography, and I believe I never will, so I will limit myself to visual observation. For this reason I will have to get used to the red sun! P.S. I'm organizing a solar observation session for my first time with an H-alpha telescope, I'm very excited and...