For developers, follow the instructions in theBuild a Chat AppLightning tutorial in the Urbit Developers documentations. Realtime is a fork of%hut, simply perform the steps in the "Put it together" section, but substitute%realtimefor%hut. Also, be sure to replace the glob address in the ...
- We discovered a problem implementing the Syncfusion Charts, Submitted a support ticket - immediate response & help. The Engineers confirmed the problem - and immediately started creating a new version that fixed the problem, they kept in contact with me - in a few days, the new version was...
⚡ Lightning-fast response times 🔒 Built-in rate limiting 📈 Usage tracking ready ⚖️ Load balancing for scale 🎯 100% OpenAI API compatibility 🏗️ System Architecture Click on the image to view the interactive version on Excalidraw! 💻 Tech Stack Spotlight 🎯 Backend Champions...
Near-real time retrievals of land surface temperature within the MODIS Rapid Response System The MODIS Rapid Response (RR) System was developed to meet the near real time needs of the applications community. Generally, its products are available on... ACT Pinheiro,J Descloitres,JL Privette,.....
High speed measuring change of polarization state of light wave caused by lightning stroke realizes discriminating and locating lightning stroked transmission line. The method reduces outside interference and intrasystem interference, increases locating precision of system. Advantages are: quick response, ...
- We discovered a problem implementing the Syncfusion Charts, Submitted a support ticket - immediate response & help. The Engineers confirmed the problem - and immediately started creating a new version that fixed the problem, they kept in contact with me - in a few days, the new version was...
Lightning-fast analytics with unlimited scale Support your most demanding applications with real-time analytics — no matter how big your apps, user base or concurrency demands grow. Learn more Platform Feature rich. Future proof. Build your intelligent applications with a feature-rich platform that ...
The performance and ease of use of the product are almost unmatched, which saves us a tremendous amount of time over having to spin up custom RDS instances for data analytics. Ruslan Smirnov Verified With SingleStore we've achieved 24x faster response times and a 75% reduction in total cost ...
- We discovered a problem implementing the Syncfusion Charts, Submitted a support ticket - immediate response & help. The Engineers confirmed the problem - and immediately started creating a new version that fixed the problem, they kept in contact with me - in a few days, the new version was...
Apache Spark Lightning-fast cluster computing Hydrosphere Mist a service for exposing Apache Spark analytics jobs and machine learning models as realtime, batch or reactive web services. Data Mechanics A data science and engineering platform making Apache Spark more developer-friendly and cost-effective...