Improve your operational resilience and protect your personnel with real-time lightning data from the world’s leading lightning detection networks. Talk to an expertLightning safety: Essential resources for businesses Lightning is a serious safety hazard that can cause injuries or even death. Establis...
information is provided by a lightning detector, and a distance relay apparatus, which generates fault occurrence information by determining a fault location of a power transmission line and generates fault analysis information by using the fault occurrence information and the comprehensive lightning ...
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite swiftiossyncmobiledatabaseobjective-cthreadsaferealtimemobile-database UpdatedDec 27, 2024 Objective-C Instant neural graphics primitives: lightning fast NeRF and more machine-learningreal-timecomputer-visionneural-networkcomputer-graphicsre...
vulkanraytracingreal-time-rendering UpdatedFeb 1, 2022 C++ Realtime 3D Game-Engine with a focus on space sim. Written in C++ 14 editorc-plus-plusopenglgame-enginedata-oriented-designdata-drivencpp14game-developmentecsentity-component-systemgtkmmpbrresource-manager3d3d-game-engine3d-editorplanet-gener...
React Charts - Graphs with Real-Time Data for Web and Mobile 50+ chart types Lightning-fast performance Elegant animation Simple configuration and API Support for all modern browsers Mobile-friendly and responsive Detailed documentation Free Trial VIEW DEMOS No credit card required....
TALOS Lightning Detection Solutions offers reliable lightning detection up to 25 miles. Real time alerts give you time to seek safety. Learn more today!
ASP.NET Core Charts library supports 50+ market-standard chart types like column, line, bar, pie, & area with real-time data & fast rendering.
Using a real-time data set, we evaluate forecasts from the mixed-frequency VAR and compare them to standard quarterly-frequency VAR and to forecasts from MIDAS regressions. We document the extent to which information that becomes available within the quarter improves the forecasts in real time. ...
Accelerate your AI and analytics. Kinetica harnesses real-time data and the power of GPUs for lightning-fast insights.
Every time you get in the helicopter, you want to be sure it is safe to fly. You need to know what you’re flying into, and what might be coming your way. With Flight Route Alerting from DTN, you can quickly and accurately determine if thunderstorms, lightning, wind, and other weather...