A real-time Java virtual machine with applications in avionics This paper reports on our experience with the implementation of the Real-time Specification for Java on the Ovm open source Java virtual machine. We descri... A Armbruster,J Baker,A Cunei,... - 《Acm Transactions on Embedded Com...
Experiences in adopting real-time Java for flight-like software - Benowitz, Niessner - 2003 () Citation Context ...ed the NoHeapRealtimeThread for this purpose, and also proposed solutions to cope with priority inversion. As we discuss in the related work, however, experience implementing [5,...
A real-time Java virtual machine with applications in avionics This paper reports on our experience with the implementation of the Real-time Specification for Java on the Ovm open source Java virtual machine. We descri... A Armbruster,J Baker,A Cunei,... - 《Acm Transactions on Embedded Com...
realexperienceinbuildingareal-timeextensionlibraryforjava 系统标签: javarealextensionlibrarytimertsj JOURNALOFINFORMATIONSCIENCEANDENGINEERING18,905-927(2002) 905 ExperienceinBuildingaReal-TimeExtension LibraryforJava * HSIN-TACHIAO,SCOTTHSU-JINGKAO + ,YUE-SHANCHANG ++ , SHEN-TZAYHUANG + ANDSHYAN-MINGYUAN...
The work of real-time Java takes place in real-time threads and in asynchronous event handlers (which are a lot like real-time threads.) Thejavax.realtime. RealtimeThreadclass extendsjava.lang.threadso real-time threads can be used wherever a thread is required, but many of the features ...
Meanwhile Oracle, owner of the Java trademark, has taken to explicitly promoting Java for embedded, safety-critical, and real-time development. Mobile computing over the last decade, especially with Android, has provided valuable experience about what works and doesn’t in that domain....
Client libraries inJava,Python,Node.js,.NET,C++andGo Stateful Data Processing Hazelcast has a built-in data processing engine calledJet, which can be used to build both streaming/real-time and batch/static data pipelines that are elastic. A single node of Hazelcast has been proven toaggregate...
Meanwhile Oracle, owner of the Java trademark, has taken to explicitly promoting Java for embedded, safety-critical, and real-time development. Mobile computing over the last decade, especially with Android, has provided valuable experience about what works and doesn’t in that domain. The ...
Real User Experience InsightOracle Real User Experience Insight 让企业通过切实了解最终用户的实际体验来充分发挥其业务关键型应用的价值。它有助于识别由于用户失望而导致的收入损失、通过减少呼叫中心话量来降低支持成本,加快解决应用性能低下的问题,并且可通过让企业了解业务趋势和用户偏好来帮助企业适应不断变化的...
Most real-time systems consist of a mixture of hard and soft real-time components. Hard real-time tasks are typically periodic, whereas soft real-time tasks are usually non-periodic. The goal of real-time scheduling is to minimize of the response times o