Per my previous post, this was our first summer with Q in organized sports. I use the term “organized” loosely. It was herding cattle. We did soccer which I previously wrote about and also put him in t-ball. If at any point you think soccer is bad/a pain, just put your 4 year...
These bastards are so arrogant, greedy, narcissist, and just plain evil that they don’t realize how transparent they are. Watch out, the sheeple are asking questions!! Jarrad November 12, 2009 @ 8:11 am Hello, do you have a name? Well, whatever your name is Hello, interesting stuff...
Per my previous post, this was our first summer with Q in organized sports. I use the term “organized” loosely. It was herding cattle. We did soccer which I previously wrote about and also put him in t-ball. If at any point you think soccer is bad/a pain, just put your 4 year...
Whilst aim and origin of these feeble-minded assertions would appear to be quite transparent (to discredit mighty anti-Jewish political movements and to prevent people from finding spiritual anchor-points and hold their minds in a condition of diffusion), it nevertheless surprises time and time aga...