As stated in the preface, one of our strong motivations for writing this book is given by the historical success of the numerical and real inversion formulas of the Laplace transform which is a famous typical ill-posed and very difficult problem. In this
Google Scholar Brylinski, J.L.: Transformations canoniques, dualité projective, théorie de Lefschetz, transformation de Fourier et sommes trigonométriques. In: Géométrie et Analyse Microlocales. Astérisque, vol. 140–141, pp. 3–134. Société Mathématique de France, Paris (1986) Google Sc...
b Phase diagram of H0 + HI where shading denotes the many-body gap. The only gapless point (blue) occurs at M = 1/2, U = 0 separating the single-particle fragile and trivial phases at U = 0. Both phases have the same (trivial) many-body RSIs. Along the ...
In the local aggregation phase, Realtime Compute for Apache Flink aggregates a micro-batch of data that is locally cached at each upstream node, and generates the accumulator value for each micro-batch. In the global aggregation phrase, the accumulator is merged into the final result. Then, ...
The 1σconfidence interval on the transition temperature is shown below the free-energy curves. The experimental transition is measured at 343.15 K. Full size image The error bars are translated into stripes in Fig.4, with the accuracy in the prediction of the phase-transition temperature be...
ACCAis a popular marketing funnel that bears a close resemblance to the AIDA formula but with several key differences in the underlying structure. ACCA fuses the interest and desire stages from the AIDA formula into a single phase calledcomprehension, and then it breaks down the action stage into...
In Section 2 we describe an n-area power network model. In Section 3 we derive an LQG model with type parameters for the power network model. After discussing private control and public control problems in Section 4, we present explicit formulas for a pricing scheme including an incentive ...
In this chapter we have described techniques for implementing rigid body simulation entirely on the GPU. By exploiting the computational power of GPUs, we simulate a large number of rigid bodies, which was previously difficult to perform in real time. We showed that the present t...
Each section is constructed with a layered structure of Si/SiO\(_{2}\)/Graphene/Al\(_{2}\)O\(_{3}\)/Si. (b and g) Simulated amplitude for reflection/transmission in 1-bit mode. (c and h) reflection/transmission phase in 1-bit mode. reflection (d) amplitude and (e) phase in...
always hold a non-negative value, i.e.,\((x\ge 0)\). Significantly, the\(\lambda\)parameter, which is always positive, denotes the rate of occurrence in the exponential distribution. The exponential distribution cumulative distribution function (CDF) can be derived through a specific formula:...