Mars @ 450X Real-Time Video - White Surface Marks?
Imager for Mars Pathfinder experiment (IMP): a multispectral stereo imaging system On Independence Day 1997 Mars Pathfinder bounced to a stop on the Ares-Tiu Vallis floodplain and began returning the first pictures from ... Peter H. Smith,Univ. of Arizona,Tucson,... - Stereoscopic Displays ...
Marsi geisrid Igal kevadel on suured pursked lõunapoolusel, kuna jää hakkab sulama tänu päikesevalgusele. Selle tulemusena vabaneb rõhu all olev CO2, muda ja arvatavasti vesi moodustades geisrite moodi nähtusi Marsil. First note of intelligent life on Mars -> emperors....
The proliferation of gray technology in the inner zone of the solar system can alleviate in many ways the economic problems of mankind on earth. The resources of matter and sunlight available in the inner zone exceed by many powers of ten the resources available on the earth’s surface. Earth...
In World Creator, procedural filters are expertly applied to transform a terrain shape into a variety of stunning landscapes. Whether you're looking to create deserts, snowy mountains, arid canyons, volcano islands, wet highlands, Moon-like cratered landscapes or Mars-like worlds, our filters hav...
Using mathematical models, the group narrowed the field to the Baptistina cluster, a group of asteroids created by a large impact beyond the orbit of Mars [source: Sky & Telescope]. According to the Alvarez theory, the extinction of the dinosaurs was catastrophic and extrinsic, meaning it ...
FYI; The jew-ish word “goyim” is used by the satanic jews to describe non-jews, it means cattle or nations, which they believe they are superior to. Hence, what’s known as “blood libel” from performing human sacrifices upon We the People like shown in this VERY REAL PICTURE; ...
Weekly Forecast August 4: Mars Trine Neptune, Full Moon in Aquarius Rays of God. © Pat Paquette, 2014. We’re still in the pull of strong undercurrents, but surface tension eases up in the first part of this week, allowing us to catch our breath and maybe even do a little strategic...
Weekly Forecast June 22: Mercury Square Neptune, Mars Enters Cancer Secret Garden. © Gretchen Friedrich, 2015. When tragedies like last week’s shooting take place, the first instinct of an astrologer is to cast a chart and try to identify the correlating aspects. I did, but not immediat...
There are even sand dunes on Mars. To understand sand dunes, you need to understand sand. Sand forms from the erosion of rocks. As rocks break down, the resulting materials are transported by wind, water or ice (glaciers) and end up as sediment in the sea or -- as we'll learn in ...