for p=1:2 %1:real part & 2: imaginary part for d1=1:2 % orientations for d2=1:3 x = w1{j}{p}{d1}{d2}; y = w2{j}{p}{d1}{d2}; D = (abs(x)-abs(y)) >= 0; wf{j}{p}{d1}{d2} = D.*x + (~D).*y; % imag...
That is because you want to plot only the magnitude of the DFT coefficients, or the magnitudes squared
The output will be stored in one array of complex numbers, real and imaginary parts interleaved. The second half of the output can be recovered as follows out=conj(out[fftpoint-k]) (k>=1) and out[0]=conj(out[0]), since FFT of real signal has conjugate-even symmetry....
imaginary part of a variable be zero, you will still have a problem, since a tool like fmincon has a constraint tolerance. The constraint can fail by the constraint tolerance, and you can't use a constraint tolerance of zero. The result will still be tiny imaginary parts. Tiny, but non...
Not sure if it is what you are trying to do, but you can extract the real and imaginary parts of an expression using the real() and imag() functions.
We assume that the real and imaginary parts of entries of the matrix Hn located on the diagonal and above have the joint distribution density p(Xn) (the function p(Xn) depends on the imaginary and real parts of the Xn entries). The eigenvalues λ1 ⩾ … ⩾ λn of the matrix are...
imaginary components of rootscallpolyroots(degree, p, zr, zi, istatus)write(*,'(A,1x,I3)')'istatus:', istatuswrite(*,'(*(a22,1x))')'real part','imaginary part'doi=1, degreewrite(*,'(*(e22.15,1x))') zr(i), zi(i)end doend programexample ...
Note: The check of PAPR and signal amplitude of the given waveform is not supported by the API yet. The user needs to scale the waveform in advance. The maximum DAC input power is 0 dBFS for sinusoidal signals. It means the maximum peak value of real and Imaginary parts of a complex ...
2.- MATLAB already warns: Warning: Imaginary parts of complex X and/or Y arguments ignored So, basically, you get the same signal back, if you ignore the Imaginary part. Rewording, you don't get back the initial signals. 3.- S.Shilling [1] and L.Rabiner R.Schafer [2] point out ...
function suggests that at some point, complex numbers are being passed as input. The