实数:Real number 2 英文解释 2.1 What is a Real number?A real number is any number that can be placed on a number line or expressed as in infinite decimal expansion. In other words, a real number is any rational or irrational number, including positive and negative whole numbers, ...
有理数(rational number) 有理数的英文是rational number,这个词来源于古希腊,其英文词根为ratio,比率的意思。简单来说,有理数就是一个整数与另一个整数的比。整数可以看做是分母为1的分数。有理数的小数部分是有限或无限循环的数(如,\(\frac{1}{3}\))。 无理数(irrational numbers) 无理数,也称为无限...
The decimal number is non-terminating and non-repeating that means it is an irrational number. Of course, any irrational number is also a real number. Example 12: Classify the number1.7777…1.7777… Since the decimal is repeating, it is a rational number. Any rational number must also be a...
Are real numbers rational or irrational?Rational and Irrational Numbers:Rational numbers are those which can be obtained when one integer is divided by another integer. Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be obtained in this way. For example, the number .75 is a rational number because it...
irrational real number 无理实数 real number space 实数空间 index number of real wages 实际工资指数 相似单词 rational adj. 1. 神智清楚的 2. 理性的;理智的;合理的;出于理性的 3. 理智的;清醒的 REAL 资源配置(=Resource Allocation)一种程序,可以将各种资源,如人力、机器、物料、金钱、空间等,按...
The real number line Example: Classifying Real Numbers Classify each number as either positive or negative and as either rational or irrational. Does the number lie to the left or the right of 0 on the number line? −103−103 √55 −√289−289 −6π−6π 0.616161…0.616161… 0....
1.1 – Real Numbers, Number Operations Most things in math and life we work with are real numbers We can divide real numbers into two categories; Rational Irrational Rational vs. Irrational Rational = a number that may be written as a ratio of integers AND decimals that terminate or repeat ...
So a real number is basically any number that you can think of, let it be decimal numbers, rational numbers which are just fractions, irrational numbers. Real numbers can range anywhere from ∞∞ to −∞−∞ where ∞∞ is the highest number you can think of in your imagination and ...
数学里"数"的英语表达 | 偶数even number;奇数odd number;正数positive number;负数negative number;小数decimal (fraction);阿拉伯数字 Arabic numeral;1百万 one million;10亿 one billion;整数integer,有理数rational number,无理数irrational number,实数real number,质数prime number ...
The Real Number System Real Numbers Rational Numbers: Can be written as a Ratio (fraction) of two integers. Irrational Numbers: Cannot be written as a ratio (fraction) of two integers. Integers: {…-2,-1,0,1,2,…} Whole Numbers: {0,1,2,3,…} As we build this diagram, we discus...