t. I lift up heavy things, like shopping bags filled with jars. I have a beard. I stub my toe and call my coffee table a dickhead. I eat steak and drink beer. I know how to do a roundhouse kick. I can do four different kinds of push up. I am a manly man. I likeFootloose....
READ MORE:Jimin Shares His 'Love and Affection' for Fans With New Song The cinematic video has fans wishing for a full-length K-drama or movie from the pair after noticing how their chemistry was chemistrying, as they say on the internet. One fan tweeted that it would be "the biggest ...
@misc{han2023select, title={Select and Trade: Towards Unified Pair Trading with Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning}, author={Weiguang Han and Boyi Zhang and Qianqian Xie and Min Peng and Yanzhao Lai and Jimin Huang}, year={2023}, eprint={2301.10724}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={q...
The old adage that declares all good things must come to an end applies to most everything in life. A delicious pint ofBen & Jerry's ice creamwill, at some point, turn into an empty carton flecked with the remnants of chocolate chunks. A wonderful movie that makes you laugh, cry, a...