In Hinduism, the concept that ignorance of one’s real nature and potentiality is a fundamental cause of suffering is deeply rooted in the philosophical teachings of Vedanta, particularly Advaita Vedanta. This ignorance, known asAvidyaorMaya, leads to a misunderstanding of the self, which in turn...
Real Gross Domestic Product is a way of measuring anation's output in terms of the value of its good and services, its investments, government spendings and exports with the prices of the base year. How is Real GDP calculated? In Real GDP, Nominal GDP is taken into account and isad...
Varna is Hindi for ‘color’ – and the caste system in India clearly delineated the ‘most white’ as being of the ‘highest’ caste; something Aryans in the nearby lands of Persia, and other areas clearly noted was a characteristic of those tribes that migrated via the Caucausus, into ...