Coca‑Cola Cherry Boisson rafraîchissante aux extraits végétaux saveur cerise. Histoire Un après-midi, alors qu’il remue un liquide parfumé de couleur caramel, John Stith Pemberton, pharmacien d’Atlanta, obtient un breuvage qu’il s’empresse d’apporter, à quelques pas de là, à...
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With unprecedented access, CNBC pulls back the curtain on Coca-Cola, the most recognizable brand on the planet. In an original one-hour documentary, CNBC's Melissa Lee reveals never-before-seen labs, secret archives and high-tech product testing. Cameras
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Digital creatives around the world can use a first-of-its-kind AI platform to generate original artwork with iconic creative assets from the Coca-Cola archives. Check out this story and more news from The Coca-Cola Company.
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Enjoy the real comforts of home with Gold Peak® Real Brewed Tea. View our variety of Gold Peak Real Brewed beverages and find products near you!
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以结合足球概念与生活方式为主轴,由SOPHNET.与Nike共同创办的品牌F.C. Real Bristol近期联合Coca-Cola推出一辑活力四射的Star-Spangled 主题胶囊,旨在向这家传奇美式饮料公司致敬。 结合大胆的足球概念设计与经典美国元素,这辑以运动为主的新系列种类繁多,诸如防水拉链外套、技术风格裤装、跑步裤、运动衫、西装外套、运...