Furthermore, in image processing related to quality control applications where the inspection has to be accurate, it is difficult to analyze the information of an image directly from the gray-level intensity of the image pixels. Indeed, this value depends upon the lighting conditions. More...
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where x(i) is the sequence, N is the sequence length and p and q are the proportion of the sequence length; p = q is the symmetric median mean filter, p≠ q is the asymmetric median mean filter, and SME is the sorting-based mass estimator. 2.4. Performance Evaluation 2.4.1. Coeffic...
The surrogate model links the input parameters in the FE simulations, i.e., the positions of the fingers in the x and y axes and the contact force on the tip of the fingers, to the output parameters of the simulation, i.e., the stress tensor of the elements in the liver, as shown...
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MIKE VOGEL News staff reporter
Number one seed Andy Murray caused the biggest shock of the day as he was knocked out of the last 16 of the Mutua Madrid Open on Thursday. Ajax, Man United set up final clash in Europa League Ajax and Manchester United labored through their respective opponents to set up the final matchup...
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T. Iorns and T. Rhee. Real-time image based lighting for 360-degree panoramic video. In Revised Selected Papers of the PSIVT 2015 Workshops on Image and Video Technology - LNCS, Volume 9555, pages 139-151, New York, NY, USA, 2016. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.Thomas Iorns , Tae...