Homecoming is a Bengali drama film that was premiered on SonyLIV on 18 February 2022. The story revolves around a group of friends from Kolkata that reunites after seven years on the occasion of Durga Puja at an old theatre and their journey. Here’s the complete list of the cast and ...
Tabbar is a Hindi-Punjabi language family thriller web series that was premiered on SonyLIV on 15 October 2021. The story revolves around a retired police constable who tries to save his family from some unwarranted incidents. Here’s the complete list of the cast and crew of “Tabbar”: G...
You can, however, get rid of the ads and delay by picking the Rs 199 ‘Super Sports’ pack for six months, which is a great deal for football fans who plan to stream a ton of matches over the next 30 days. SonyLIV willsupplement the telecast with additional data like live scores, p...