More Conditional Probability Real Life Examples Imagine that you’re afurniture salesman. The probability of a new customer to your store purchasing a couch on any particular day is 30%. However, if they are entering your store in the month leading up to the Super Bowl, th...
But some real life misleading graphs go above and beyond the classic types. Some are intended to mislead, others are intended to shock. And in some cases, well-meaning individuals just got it all plain wrong. These are some of my favorite recent-history misleading graphs from real life. Wat...
An illustration of how time management strategiescanbe used in real lifeby looking at examples from Barack Obama, former president Dwight D. Eisenhower, or Steve Jobs What are time management strategies? Time management strategiesare systematic techniques designed to help with planning and controlling ...
So, what are statistics used for in everyday life and in people's careers, and what are some examples of its use? It helps to understand the process behind the statistical process and some definitions of important concepts in the field first. Planning a Study The first step in any statisti...
I’m Ana Gonzalez, a geology student from Universidad Industrial of Santander in Colombia. I’m currently working on my thesis, which involves calculating many hydrology parameters (lots of statistics) and findind your page and your tools just saved my life, thanks for sharing your knowledge to...
Additional Resources 10 skill sets every data scientist should have Read Now 8 common examples of natural language processing and their impact on communication Read Now
Learn how statistics can be analyzed to identify useful probabilities in three real-world examples: college, baseball, and the lottery. Real Life Math You probably hear time and time again, how important math is to real life. But let's be honest. Do you really see yourself having to use...
Potentially related to that, on your Excel file example (Real-Statistics-Examples-Non-Parametric-1) on tab “Wilcoxon 4”, if you switch the “Smokers” and “Non-Smokers” data, the p-value rises from 0.006 to 1.99, but with the same Z-scores. Should that not keep the same p-value...
You can also see generative AI applications, use cases and real-life examples in a list that you can filter based on various criteria such as business function or industry. General Generative AI Applications > Video Applications 1. Video Generation ...
In this article we will study about how Polygons are used in daily life situations, uses, examples, importance and more.