In this episode of True Fiction, Kurt Indovina digs into the most notorious murderous clown of them all, real-life serial killer John Wayne Gacy. Speaking to Ryan, Greg, and Lucy from the GameSpot Universe team, he delves into the life and crimes of Gacy, explores how he impacted horror...
This suspenseful television movie is based on the real-life hunt for the infamous "BTK" (Bind, Torture, Kill) serial killer, Dennis Rader, who terrorized Wichita, Kansas, for nearly thirty years. Starring Robert Forster and Michael Michele as the determined detectives tasked with hunting hi...
No. John Wayne Gacy, who became known as the Killer Clown, was from Chicago, Illinois. Share: Citation More Awesome Stuff People Ed Gein Was the Real-life 'Psycho' People 11 of the World's Worst Serial Killers The World Do You Know Famous Criminals From Their Face Alone? People ...
Songs written about true crimes have always been popular. Artists have always felt compelled to contextualize the atrocities of every day life and commit ...
The REAL LIFE Self-Defense Program In three parts, Mike Gillette is your personal instructor in the art of REAL LIFE Self-Defense. Using his proven rapid teaching method,Mike moves you from zero to master in a matter of hours. Filmed in astate-of-the-art combat training facility, stand ...
"But you make people think about stuff and get out of whatever their regular daily life is." That's why, Wilson adds, so much of Fleck's clown is realistic — which could be what makes him so frightening. For what it's worth, Wilson says, he and many of his clown friends agree ...
Take a look back at a real-life South Jersey ghost town, Amatol, NJ. Once the home to 10,000 people, it has been abandoned for 100 years,
Democracy and other American ideals would “do their mysterious work of lifting the life of mankind from the level of the beasts to what the Psalmist called a little lower than the angels”. Only under the American Century can the world “come to life in any nobility of health and vigor”...
Tae-Shik used to be a government special agent, and his only connection to the rest of the world in the lonely life he leads is a little girl named Somi. Somi’s mother is irresponsible with her care and is involved in a shady smuggling business. One day, he delivers drugs to Tae-Sh...