I left Australia a virgin and can say, hand on heart, apart from the odd kiss (or ‘pash’ as we used to call it back in the day) First base is as far as I’ve gone with an Aussie ‘bloke’. It’s actually a fact I’m quite proud of. Sure I can see the rest of the wo...
The local Association of Realtors did not meet this week, but it was great last Saturday to see many colleagues at the Celebration of Life for our Realtor pal, Mary Lou Bailey. The stories shared and memories highlighted were a tribute to her island success for more than 45 years. The ne...
software, or other electronic service hosted, provided by or connected to REWW, any of the following information: social security numbers, national insurance numbers, credit card data, passwords, security credentials, bank account numbers, or sensitive personal...
If you’re an insurance adviser in New Zealand and looking for life Insurance leads, Income proteciton, Mortgage protectection, Health Insurance even Trauma Cover; please send me an email direct here. These leads are more than ‘just leads’ they come with a full CRM system to track yo...
If you own investment or rental property, TurboTax will help you with deductions, depreciation, and getting your biggest possible refund.
Before you dig for the marker, be sure you know the location of any buried wires or irrigation systems to avoid causing damage. The universal phone number for U.S. homeowners to request buried utility information is 811, and with a few days' notice, someone from yourlocal utility companysho...
In fact, feminists in Sweden, Germany and Australia did this decades ago, also taking the “aggressive stance” position. As the late Professor Walter Williams reported in 2000, these activists “want men to sit down while urinating.” The main gripe: “men standing up to urinate is deemed...
Have you ever wondered which real estate career could help you achieve your financial and lifestyle goals? One of the best things about the real estate industry is the diversity it provides. It allows for many different jobs that fit various personalities, interests, and strengths. While most ...
This is arguably the worst thing a broker could ever do because these down payment deposits are often the life savings of innocent families. So this begs the question: Where was the state Board of Registration of Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons which has oversight over broker escrow ...
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