Featured with the vivid environments and intuitive real-life controls, Real reel fishing simulator 2018 offers the most realistic fishing sensations and in-depth game-play. Cast your line to hook the fish and wind the reel carefully to avoid snapping the line. Dozens of exotic native fish in ...
Customizable fishing experience for in-real-life anglers and non-fishermen/women. YOUTUBE & WEB-BROWSING Watch Youtube, listen to music or podcasts in-game while fishing, and never be bored. CUSTOMIZE YOUR AQUARIUM Customize your aquarium by filling it with your catch, and purchase unique decora...
据悉,《Real VR Fishing》售价 20 美元,允许戴着 VR 头显的用户在近 100 个真实世界的地点钓鱼,包括大峡谷、约塞米蒂国家公园和太浩湖等美国著名景点。3D 图形捕捉了大量身临其境的细节,从波光粼粼的水面到飞翔的鸟群和飘过山坡的云朵。该游戏的全球受欢迎程度使 DUG 在《金融时报》亚太地区高增长公司排行榜...
VR钓鱼游戏《Real VR Fishing》玩家达100万,营收超1500万美元 居住在加拿大安大略省的 73 岁退休人员 Ronald Hyslop 是 VR 钓鱼游戏《Real VR Fishing》的忠实粉丝,这款游戏让 Ronald Hyslop 退休生活充满了新期待:“我沉迷于此,这不仅仅是放松,这就像一个不同的现实。” Ronald Hyslop 并不孤单。近 100 万用...
《Real VR Fishing》是一款由韩国工作室Devs United Games所开发的VR钓鱼游戏,曾于2019年上线Quest Store平台,随后又进一步在PICO Store上线。 目前《Real VR Fishing》在Quest Store平台售价为19.99美元,游戏内提供了约100个现实世界的景点,能够给用户提供十分真实的钓鱼体验。
在《Real VR Fishing》大受欢迎的背景下,Dev United Games在2021年吸引了软银20亿韩元的投资,而他们计划在今年下半年再筹集约1000万美元,因为明年将推出新的VR游戏,并瞄准露营和划船等户外活动。 但团队承认,消费者对沉浸式技术的采用依然有限:“我们当时以为,到今天的话每个人都会戴上VR头显,但这种设备迄今为止都...
"Real VR FISHING, My Haven of Peace." -Tomislav Bezmalinovic "One of the most visually impressive games on the platform with a relaxing tone and wonderfully simple co-op multiplayer." - David Jagneaux "Extremely chill fishing simulator that was already one of the most technically accomplished...
《Real VR Fishing》是一款由韩国工作室Devs United Games所开发的VR钓鱼游戏,曾于2019年上线Quest Store平台,随后又进一步在PICO Store上线。 目前《Real VR Fishing》在Quest Store平台售价为19.99美元,游戏内提供了约100个现实世界的景点,能够给用户提供十分真实的钓鱼体验。
Fish catch is one of the very best fishing games where you win real money. You can play it online in many of the RTG casinos. This version is different because it offers a multiplayer setting where you will compete against other players to shoot as many different fish as possible. Even ...
《Real VR Fishing》是一款由韩国工作室Devs United Games所开发的VR钓鱼游戏,曾于2019年上线Quest Store平台,随后又进一步在PICO Store上线。 目前《Real VR Fishing》在Quest Store平台售价为19.99美元,游戏内提供了约100个现实世界的景点,能够给用户提供十分真实的钓鱼体验。