Materials that are burned or processed to produce bioenergy are called biomass. Examples of the latter include wood logs burned on a fire, probably the oldest type of fuel known to humankind and still one of the principal forms of heating available in many developing countries. In fa...
Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot lived in France during the turn of the 19th century. His father named him Sadi after the 13th-century Persian poetSaadi Shirazi. Said father led a colorful life himself,1working as a mathematician, engineer, and military commander for and before the Napoleonic Empire...
There are numerous examples of the operation of compensating differentials. (For an excellent introduction to the topic, see Chapter 8 of Ehrenberg and Smith, 2011.) On the other hand, there are many instances in which the estimated effects of certain job attributes tend to be zero or have ...
Assessment of a complete truck operating under dual-mode dual-fuel combustion in real life applications: Performance and emissions analysisThe dual-mode dual-fuel (DMDF) strategy has been demonstrated to be a potential combustion mode to cover all the engine map with low-to-moderate NOx and ...
Finance and risk manage the decommissioning of legacy emission-intensive assets, perhaps via multilateral “bad bank” partnerships involving investment managers, insurers and development banks. Help make green energy solutions – such as solar panels – affordable – for example, by ...
Other methods for the faster lifetime measurements in combustion are typically point measurements that are realized using fast photodiodes or photomultiplier tubes coupled to oscilloscopes29,30. Extremely short lifetimes of species have also been measured by a streak camera as a single-shot line ...
North by Northwest, Hitchcock's 1959 masterpiece, tells the tale of advertising man Roger Thornhill, a man who at the beginning of the film seems to have the world on a string. Then, all of a sudden, he finds himself running for his life. And driving for his life, and riding a trai...
The economy is something that grows through the “dissipation” of energy. Examples of dissipation of energy include the digestion of food to give energy to humans, the burning of fossil fuels, and the use of electricity to power a light bulb. A rise in world energy consumpti...
You are the Real Life Hero, good call on the zombie stations. The increased Tmin trend in the USHCN is most likely the result of contamination from urbanization, land-use changes that disrupt the normal decoupling of the nocturnal boundary layer, changes that prevent the formation of a shallow...
And as I said, you would need to use your smartphone for fifty years to cause the same level of emissions as the fuel combustion of one overseas return flight. That said, as laid down in the exponential roadmap for climate action, the situation is critical. We need to reduce carbon ...